Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009

Classical reports of software engineering (2)

One of the most important distinctions when developing software is the one between accidental and essential complexity. These terms were coined in the landmark article "No silver bullet" (Brooks, 1986)

While essential complexity is the intrinsic complexity of the problem to be solved, accidental complexity is the complexity that has to be accepted because of the technology used to solve the problem (not the actual algorithm itself). This is especially important when evaluating different tools that solve a particular problem. Should you e.g. solve a certain problem in C or in Perl or in Java? Look at the complexities! What accidental complexity would be introduced by either solution? For example string processing is a breeze in perl thanks to regular expressions and easy string handling, while in C it's a real chore.

In a 2004 blog posting, Joel Spolsky considered memory management one of the best improvements of the last years (I agree):

"A lot of us thought in the 1990s that the big battle would be between procedural and object oriented programming, and we thought that object oriented programming would provide a big boost in programmer productivity. I thought that, too. Some people still think that. It turns out we were wrong. Object oriented programming is handy dandy, but it's not really the productivity booster that was promised. The real significant productivity advance we've had in programming has been from languages which manage memory for you automatically. It can be with reference counting or garbage collection; it can be Java, Lisp, Visual Basic (even 1.0), Smalltalk, or any of a number of scripting languages. If your programming language allows you to grab a chunk of memory without thinking about how it's going to be released when you're done with it, you're using a managed-memory language, and you are going to be much more efficient than someone using a language in which you have to explicitly manage memory. Whenever you hear someone bragging about how productive their language is, they're probably getting most of that productivity from the automated memory management, even if they misattribute it."

Before you plan which technology or programming language you use, always think about how much accidental complexity you introduce by either choice.

"No Silver Bullet - Essence and Accident in Software Engineering", Brooks, F. P., Proceedings of the IFIP Tenth World Computing Conference, pp. 1069-1076, 1986.

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